Theme Logo
Allow students to contemplate how technology affects various aspects of their lives. While creating an environment where childlike wonder/play can develop to combat stress.
I conducted interviews with college students, and read several articles on the effects of technology on college-age students. Connections between elevated stress and technology were identified. As well as a collective desire from students to participate in purposeful time away from screens.
The theme of childlike wonder and play is not just a design choice but a powerful tool to counter stress and evoke a sense of inspiration and nostalgia. Create a design appropriate for college students, that is not antagonizing.
Banner Stands
Set up during the event, providing visibility, and direction. The left banner sets the tone and shows the theme. While the right banner shows the schedule, and all activities available throughout the day.

Banner Stands 3ft by 7ft
Promotional posters encourage and facilitate participation before the event. Thought of as a pair, one focuses on the Cardboard Fort activity, and the other highlights Unplug Day. Both show the where, when, and what while connecting to the theme, and including the unplug logo.

Promotional Posters
Reflection Journal
This journal is a tool that encourages people to thoughtfully engage with the ideas and values behind unplugging, and growing childlike wonder. It contains childhood games as activities during the unplugged day.
Engagement and Reflection Deliverable

Pages from Journal

Pages from Journal
Polaroid photo opt
The Polaroid photo-opt encourages people to stay off their phones and allows a way to capture their day. It provides event visibility, an activity, and a keepsake for participants.

Polaroid Photo Opt

Deliverables that allow participants to make their participation visible.